Festival round-up

Søren got back last week from three days in Germany at the jazzahead! ‘tradeshowcase’ festival in Bremen (see the news story of 21 March for details). “It was a hectic but thoroughly enjoyable visit” he reports.

I met a huge range of people within the industry, as well as a number of fans. They included a fantastic, very knowledgeable jazz blogger based in Istanbul, Fatih Erkan, who’s written a nice review of Eva.”

(You can read the review on Fatih’s blog here.)

On Saturday night of the festival, Søren Bebe Trio gave a concert at Bremen’s Marriott Courtyard Hotel.
It went really, really well” Søren says. “The audience was warm and appreciative, and it was the perfect way to round off a busy few days of networking.”

Three more important festivals are coming up for Søren. The first is a Søren Bebe Trio appearance on 11 June in Trieste at the Auditorium Museo Revoltella. “I’m delighted to have been invited by the organisers at Circolo Controtempo: it’s my first time playing in Italy, so I’m extremely excited about this.









The second big event is the Copenhagen Jazz Festival, where the Søren Bebe Trio will be doing two gigs – one on Thursday 9 July and the other on Saturday 11 July. “We’ve played at this festival a number of times before, and I love the experience. It’s always a thrill to perform in your own town” explains Søren.

Then a week later on Friday 17 July at the Aarhus Jazz Festival, Søren will be part of a band led by the great Danish singer, Cæcilie Norby. They’re performing a work called ‘Nat Hinde’, which is a piece for organ and jazz quartet written by Norby herself. The concert is in Aarhus Cathedral, and it will be only the second performance of Nat Hinde since it premiered at last year’s Copenhagen Jazz Festival.

It’s such a pleasure and a privilege to play with someone as talented as Cæcilie – I’ve been a massive fan of her music since I first heard her pop/rock album ‘One Two’ when I was 11! And Nat Hinde is a truly original and wonderful piece” says Søren. “Also included in our line-up is the famous Danish drummer and percussionist, Marilyn Mazur, as well as the trumpeter, Sebastian Studnitzky, who’s very well known in Germany and has just won a major Echo award.”

The band will be completed by the fabulous Swedish bassist, cellist and composer, Lars Danielsson. Have you heard his latest album, Liberetto II? It really is magnificent! Pretty much everything Lars does fills me with admiration, so you can imagine how excited I am about the prospect of playing with him in Aarhus.


Date posted: 8 May 2015

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