Dis i Ådalen / Mist in Ådalen

Do you “see” pictures when you listen to music?

Or do you “hear” music when you see a picture?

I’ve always had a soft spot for great photography and I think photography is a great art form in itself.

But sometimes, combined with music, it can reach into some other parts of the soul (or mind).

Last week, Danish photographer Jens Højmann, sent me this video with his photos that he had combined with my song “Maria” from our Søren Bebe Trio album “A Song for You” from 2012. 

The photos that Jens took are from a place about an hour away from Copenhagen called “Ådalen” and I think they are just amazingly beautiful.

So I had to ask Jens if I could share them with you. Luckily he said yes 😊. So here it is “Dis i Ådalen” or “Mist in Ådalen”. 

I LOVE videos like this!

So here is an invitation to you:

If you are a photographer or videographer and do similar things, you are ALWAYS welcome to use my music and I am always happy to share on my platforms. Don’t be shy to reach out. 😊 

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