Korea is a special place for Søren. He’s played the Jarasum International Jazz Festival twice in 2010 and 2014 and, as he says, “it’s a truly beautiful country with warm and appreciative jazz audiences”.
So it’s nice to learn that ‘Oh, Shenandoah’ from Søren Bebe Trio’s 2012 album, ‘A Song For You’, is making something of a mini-comeback in Korea. Da-young Kim, one of Søren’s Korean friends, has emailed him with the news that ‘Oh, Shenandoah’ has been chosen as song-of-the-month by Korea’s third largest music streaming site, Bugs Music. There’s also a special article on the site about ‘A Song For You’, which you can read here in Korean: http://music.bugs.co.kr/specialView/monthly/5I3YAEAGUURANJB2PHBX?&page=1&sort=new&wl_ref=list_sp_01_sub
OR see the English translation below..
Meanwhile in another part of the region, it turns out that Søren’s ‘Music For Ballet & Contemporary Classes’ album (2013) has crept into iTunes’ top 100 downloads chart for Hong Kong at No.95. Says a smiling Søren: “I’m secretly rather thrilled about that… especially when Keith Jarrett’s iconic ‘The Köln Concert’ is at No.86!”
From Bugs:
이달의 노래: Soren Bebe Trio – ‘Oh, Shenandoah’
This Month’s Song
유럽 덴마크 출신의 재즈 피아니스트 소렌 베베의 피아노 트리오 작이다. ECM과 ACT를 통해 유럽 재즈가 소개되고 있지만 유럽의 많은 나라(민족) 수만큼 연주자도 많아 우리가 모두 만나는 것은 불가능하다.
It is a piece for a piano trio composed by Soren Bebe, a Jazz pianist from Denmark. European jazz has been introduced through ECM and ACT but it is impossible to meet all players due to overflowing number of music players from so many European countries.
소렌 베베도 앨범이 소량 수입되어 마니아들의 입소문만으로 전해지만 다행히 2013년 자라섬국제재즈페스티벌에 참여하면서 보다 알려진 피아니스트이다. 서정적인 멜로디와 적당한 스윙감, 그리고 북구의 청아한 풍광이 느껴지는 여백이 유럽 재즈의 특징을 고스란히 담고 있다.
Soren Bebe was first introduced in 2013 at the Zara Island International Jazz Festival when he participated in it although there were very few that knew about him already from purchasing his album. His work consists of appropriate rhythm and melody and the special characteristic of the European jazz that draws the beauty of the Northern environmental views.
본 작은 2012년 작으로 이번에 벅스를 통해 첫 소개되고 있다. 자신의 창작곡으로 담백한 연주를 보여 주지만 독특하게 미국 민요 ‘Oh, Shenandoah’를 연주하고 있다. 존 덴버, 브라더스 포 등 컨트리 가수들이 즐겨 부른 곡으로 버지니아의 셰넌도어라는 강에서 생활하는 어부에 의해 불려진 오래된 민요이다.
This song was made in 2012 and is being introduced on Bugs for the first time. It is composed and played by him but it actually plays the American folk song, “Oh, Shenandoah.” It is an old folk song, which many country singers like John Denver and Brothers Poe, that was sung by the fisher who lived at the Shenandoah River.
자연이 가져다주는 정서는 광활한 미 대륙이나 협곡이 많은 유럽 해안이나 아니면 자그마한 야산이 많은 한국이나 모두 비슷한 것 같다. 우리는 거기에서 위로를 얻는다. (글: 김광현)
The musical characteristic that is created by nature seems to be similar in the United States, the European beaches, and South Korea. We find it touching from that. (by Kwang-hyun Kim)
Date posted: 11 February 2016