
Those of you who subscribe to Søren’s monthly newsletter will know that, in the August edition, he asked fans to write in with examples of inspiring music they’d recently heard. “The response has been overwhelming!” reports a delighted Søren.

“I’ve now got a huge list of songs that people have been kind enough to send me” he adds. “I’m in the middle of composing for the next Søren Bebe Trio album [see our news story of 22 April], which means I’m constantly searching for new music and inspiration. These recommendations are proving really stimulating and helpful – so do please keep sending them in!”


What are people suggesting? As you can see from the list below, the selection is enormously diverse and eclectic. So have a listen yourself by clicking on the links that accompany many of the tracks. We hope you’ll find inspiration too.

James Mustafa – The Last Sanctuary

Joe Chindamo / Zoe Black – ReImaginings

Mark Isaacs – Aurora

Reuben Bradley (New Zealand drummer) – Cthulhu Rising

Luke Howard – A Dove, A Lion, A Coast, A Pirate

Alice Humphries – Ecila


Luke Sweeting/Rachael Thoms – The Great Unknown

David Theak (Theak-tet) – Old School

Gian Slater – Still, Still

Scott Kinsey – Kinesthetics

Toto: Chinatown

Keith Jarrett: Somewhere Over The Rainbow – encore from La Scala concert CD

Melody Gardot – Currency of Man

Bill Evans Trio – Sundays at the Village Vanguard

Arvo Pärt

Dylan Howe – Subteranneans

Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus

Abdullah Ibrahim

BBC 6 Music Proms: Nils Frahm / A Winged Victory for the Sullen http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b06565jk/bbc-proms-2015-season-6-music-prom

Matthew Halsall: https://matthewhalsall.bandcamp.com

Mammal Hands: https://mammalhands.bandcamp.com/album/animalia

Nat Birchall: https://natbirchallmusic.bandcamp.com

GoGo Penguin: https://gogopenguin.bandcamp.com

Fatoumata Diawara: https://shop.worldcircuit.co.uk/Shop/DownloadDetails?rid=WCR_RE_10

Roberto Fonseca & Fatoumata Diawara: http://thejazzbreakfast.com/2015/05/28/fatoumata-diawara-roberto-fonseca-at-home-live-in-marcia/

Serein: http://www.serein.co.uk/releases

The Haggis Horns: http://www.thehaggishorns.com

Céu: https://ceumusic.bandcamp.com/album/vagarosa

Luísa Maita: https://luisamaita.bandcamp.com/album/lero-lero

Spotify playlist ‘JP Recommends’: https://open.spotify.com/user/soulfodder/playlist/5mI5BC5m7D5cVjIM8NWU4x

Apulanta: Pihtiote

Timo Lassy


Delta Venus: Vuelo, Caracoles, Memonto Mori


Tarja Turunen

Johanna Kurkela

Arild Andersen

Mathias Eick Quintet

Esbjorn Svensson

Marie Roggen

Per Jorgensen

Erik Truffaz

McCoy Tyner

Chet Baker

Miles Davis

The Caretaker: An Empty Bliss Beyond this World

Tsegue-Maryam Guebrou:  Ethiopiques Volume 2, Ethiopia Song

Nils Frahm

Gigi Masin

Neil Cowley Trio
Date posted: 28 August 2015

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