Review // Søren Bebe Trio: “Here Now” (2023)
Bluestown Music/Tom Wouters
Review // Søren Bebe Trio: “Here Now” (2023)
“Søren Bebe’s trio succeeds on all of these fronts, with the music throughout “Here Now” rewarding the listener with its lovingly crafted serene beauty that sparkles with life.”
5/5 STARS – UK Vibe/Mike Gates
Review // Søren Bebe Trio: “Here Now” (2023)
“a melancholy that invites you to reflect”
Caravan Jazz (ES)
Review // Søren Bebe Trio: “Here Now” (2023)
La Habitación del Jazz (ES)
Review // Søren Bebe Trio: “Here Now” (2023)
Unser Lübeck /Kultur-Magazin (DE)
Review // Søren Bebe Trio: “Here Now” (2023)
Valon Kuvia (FI)
Review // Søren Bebe Trio: “Here Now” (2023)
“A hushed and lushly melodic resting place for the heart, the mind, the labored soul….Here Now is real good.”
Mike Jurkovic / All About Jazz (US)
Review // Søren Bebe Trio: “Here Now” (2023)
“Søren Bebe masters the art of melody to perfection, drawing from the folklore of his culture. ‘Here Now’ is a graceful, elegant, poetic album of understated richness.”
Paris Move/Bayou Blue Radio (FR/US)
Review // Søren Bebe Trio: “Here Now” (2023)
“Overall, the tone of the album is peaceful and introspective while maintaining the free spirit and spontaneity of jazz. This is the first album I’ve heard from The Søren Bebe Trio and I will be exploring more!”
Kathy Parsons/
Review // Søren Bebe Trio: “Here Now” (2023)
Radio France (FR)
Review // Søren Bebe Trio: “Here Now” (2023)
Esensja (PL)
Review // Søren Bebe Trio: “Here Now” (2023)
Mathijs van den Berg, Jazzenzo (NL)
Review / Søren Bebe Trio: “Echoes”
“Each of Søren’s compositions on “Echoes” has its own voice, showing why he is one of the most promising musicians that the Scandinavian music scene – and beyond – has to offer.”
Full Moon Magazine/Barka Fabianova (CZ)
Review / Søren Bebe Trio: “Echoes”
Jazzyblogman/Mike Collins
Review / Søren Bebe Trio: “Echoes”
“Un jazz (très) agréable de fin de nuit, que l’on s’écoute en se servant un dernier Haut-Médoc.”
JazzAround/Joseph Boulier (FR)
Review / Søren Bebe Trio: “Echoes”
(4 of 5 stars) “Can’t wait to see the trio live. With another great album out, you would expect that all serious jazz clubs would know how quickly they should book this trio.”
Written in Music/Dick Hovenga (NL)
Review / Søren Bebe Trio: “Echoes”
“The inspiration from classical and folk music gives the trio and this album it’s unique sound and atmosphere.”
Michael’s Jazz Blog (CH)
Review / Søren Bebe Trio: “Echoes”
Donos Kulturalny/Krzysztof Komorek (PL)
Review / Søren Bebe Trio: “Echoes”
“the musical telepathy of the trio members is clear to hear, almost breathing as one entity” 5/5 stars
UK Vibe/Alan Musson (UK)
Review / Søren Bebe Trio: “Echoes”
“5 Stars”
Ivan Rod, DK
Review / Søren Bebe Trio: “Echoes”
Jazz’Halo, BE
Review / Søren Bebe Trio: “Home”
“4.5 of 5 stars”
– Written in Music/Dick Hovenga (NL)
Review / Søren Bebe Trio: “Home”
(4 of 5 stars) “Definitely worth checking out”
– Musicophilesblog
Review / Søren Bebe Trio: “Home”
“Relaxing and beautiful. Makes me forget about the time”
– Osnogfloyd (JP)
Review / Søren Bebe Trio: “A Song for You”
“Very impressive, gentle and beautiful”
– Osnogfloyd (JP)
Portrait and Review / Søren Bebe
Spellbinding Music
Review / Søren Bebe Trio: “Home”
“und als Zuhörer muss man auch Danke sagen, für Musik, die unaufgeregt daherkommt und uns in der Mitte ruhen lässt. Das ist auch gut so! “
Review // Søren Bebe Trio: “Here Now” (2023)
Ferdinand Dupuis-Panther, Jazz’halo (BE)
Review // Søren Bebe Trio: “Here Now” (2023)
“Eines der schönsten akustischen Jazz-Werke in diesem Jahr.” / “One of the most beautiful acoustic jazz works this year.“
Jochen König, (DE)
Review // Søren Bebe Trio: “Here Now” (2023)
“Jeg kan ikke få nok af Bebes vidunderlige musik / I can’t get enough of Bebe’s wonderful music.” JazzNyt/Niels Overgård (DK)
Review // Søren Bebe Trio: “Here Now” (2023)
“The formula of the piano/bass/drums trio has been tried and tested for a long time, too often agreed upon or overused. Under Bebe’s cape, as if by magic, she reveals herself to be new, pristine, almost immaculate.”
JazzMania (BE)
Review // Søren Bebe Trio: “Here Now” (2023)
Avanti (IT) / Carlo Pecoraro
Review // Søren Bebe Trio: “Here Now” (2023)
Kudo’s Jazz Blog (JP)
2019 album list / Søren Bebe Trio: “Echoes”
Red Moon Cafe Blog
Review / Søren Bebe Trio: “Echoes”
Spellbinding Music/Guillaume Janssen
Review / Søren Bebe Trio: “Echoes”
All About Jazz/Mike Jurkovic
Review / Søren Bebe Trio: “Echoes”
All About Jazz/Chris Mosey
Review / Søren Bebe Trio: “Echoes”
JazzNyt/Niels Overgård (DK)
Review / Søren Bebe Trio: “Echoes”
– Jazzflits/Tom Beetz (NL)
Review / Søren Bebe Trio: “Echoes”
“Søren Bebe is een van de mooist spelende pianisten uit de hedendaagse jazz en heeft met zijn trio weer een pracht van een album gemaakt.”
– Jazzenzo Jazz Magazine/Mathijs van den Berg (NL)
Article / Interview 11. June 2019 (Danish)
Article / Interview 12. May 2019 (Danish)
Horsens Folkeblad
Article / Interview 20. May 2019 (Danish)
Horsens Folkeblad
Review / Søren Bebe Trio: “Home”
– JazzJapan (JP)
Review / Søren Bebe Trio: “Home”
“Listen to this album and you too, like me, will be transported to a better place. (5/5 Stars)”
– UK Vibe/Alan Musson (UK)
Review / Søren Bebe Trio: “Home”
“”Home” er et uhyre vellykket, sanseligt og sensitivt udspil af international klasse. (5 STARS)”
– Ivan rod, GAFFA (DK)
Review / Søren Bebe Trio: “Home”
“Det er jazzy mindfulness. Lyden er vanvittig god. Musikken følger med. Det er ro til sjælen. Det er musik med et helende perspektiv. Smukt.”
– Jazznyt (DK)
Live Review / Søren Bebe Trio, Live at Pizza Express, EFG London Jazzfestival
“this first ever London performance turned out to be a triumph for the likeable Dane and his trio.”
“…Bebe’s classically honed lightness of touch was immediately apparent, he’s a supreme technician…”
“Bebe and his colleagues got a terrific reception from a rapt, and pleasingly substantial audience.”
– The Jazz Mann, UK
Review / Søren Bebe Trio: “Home”
“the entire programme resembles a partita as the succinctness of each ‘movement’ roomily achieves its intentions before moving naturally into the next.”
– AP Reviews/Adrian Pallant, UK