Now in Copenhagen again after his summer break in a boiling hot Berlin, Søren is back at work. Hard. He’s in the middle of rehearsals with Canadian pianist Sarah Hagen, getting ready for a March 2016 tour of the Vancouver area on the west coast of Canada. What’s the project?
“We’re taking turns – one piano, two pianists!” says Søren. “Sarah is a truly original and gifted musician who, although she can play pretty much anything, is best known for her classical repertoire. We’ll be playing lots of tunes where classical music has influenced jazz and vice versa. We’ll also be sharing the same piano at some points, doing one or two four-handed pieces.”
“So the gigs will be a kind of ‘fusion’ of jazz and the classics – what we’ve jokingly given the working title of ‘Jazsical’. The concerts will be mostly informal events at which you’ll feel a bit like you’re in my or Sarah’s living room, sharing in a conversation about the music we’re playing, where it comes from, how it inspires us and things like that. There’ll also be plenty of opportunities to chat with us both before and after the gigs.”
The provisional tour schedule looks like this: (Please see Calendar for details)
2 March: concert at 1000 in Maple Ridge
3 March: concert at 1600 in Whistler
7 March: concert at 1030 in Courtenay (Vancouver Island)
8 March: concert at 1030 in Nanaimo (Vancouver Island)
9 March: concert at 1000 in Coquitlam
10 March: concert at 1030 in Surrey.
Søren might add a few more gigs into this schedule, either with other Canadian musicians or as solo performances. We’ll keep you posted.
Date posted: 6 August 2015