It’s been a busy couple of months for Søren, and the work-rate shows no sign of tailing off. He’s concentrating right now on two very special projects: recording the next Søren Bebe Trio album, and preparing for the Trio’s ‘showcase’ concert in Hamburg at the end of November.

“As well as playing a load of gigs, I’ve been sitting at my favourite place – in front of the piano” reports Søren. “I’m composing for the next Søren Bebe Trio album, which will be our fifth!” Rehearsals and recording will take place next week at the Mill Factory in Copenhagen.
“It’s a great studio” Søren explains. “Besides a really, really nice Steinway D piano, the Mill Factory is newly equipped with a complete, high-end video recording set-up that includes several cameras in each room. That’ll give us a lot of cool video footage of the sessions to work with.”

While all this is going on, Søren and the Trio are also getting ready for their big showcase concert at Mojo Club in Hamburg on 26 November. They were selected at the beginning of this year for Danish Vibes, a Danish-German music export programme, as one of the best contemporary bands in Denmark’s current jazz scene.
“I’m truly excited” says Søren. “Over 100 German music industry professionals and other delegates will attend the gig, and it’s open to the public. So I hope to see some of our German fans there too!”
In fact, Søren Bebe Trio has already been booked for two further concerts in Germany in 2016. “Fingers crossed that the Hamburg showcase will get us even more attention from agents in Germany who can help expand these tours, as well as increasing our profile among the music-loving public” Søren adds.
You can read about Danish Vibes here.
Date posted: 29 October 2015