Hello from Denmark! I’m Søren, a jazz pianist. I’ve written and performed on countless albums, and have collaborated with tons of amazing musicians who I really respect. I’ve even devoted a lot of my time to writing music for ballet classes. Today, I want to send you one of my most popular CDs for 100% off!

I Want to Personally Mail You An Autographed CD...

Music is a conversation! I want listeners of my music to know that I'm interested in their experience with my music, and in my time as a musician I've learned that fans also want that. So, I've decided to personally mail you a CD copy of my most popular record for just the cost of shipping. Would you like one? 🙂

So You May Be Wondering...What Is My Story?

I've worked in music as a composer, arranger, producer and performer for several decades! I draw inspiration from jazz greats like Oscar Peterson, Keith Jarrett, and Kenny Wheeler, as well as contemporary musicians such as Aaron Parks, Tord Gustavsen and Esbjörn Svensson. I've performed in several different countries for all types of festivals, from SXSW in the United States all the way to the Jarasum Jazz Festival in South Korea!

How Does This Free CD Offer Work?

For a very limited time, I'm offering autographed CD copies of my album "Echoes" for JUST the cost of shipping to those who are new to my music, such as yourself 🙂 Here's what you can expect from this special offer:

Thank You For Supporting Original Music!

I've met tons of musicians and fans across the world throughout my career as a musician, and one thing that's always amazed me is what the support of just a single fan can do for a musician...and what just one musician can do for a fan! Thanks for being a part of this beautiful artistic conversation. I hope to be sending you a package soon! 🙂